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ADoT - News Test 1
Praesent maximus in nisl vitae sagittis. Vestibulum sagittis viverra vulputate. Vestibulum tincidunt quam leo, ac fermentum enim feugiat semper. Morbi tincidunt, massa nec finibus luctus, eros lorem vehicula nibh, sit amet blandit ligula nunc vitae nibh. Vestibulum ultrices elementum egestas...
ADoT - News Test 2
Pellentesque bibendum nisl ut euismod suscipit. Nulla lobortis interdum congue. Aenean porta augue quam, vulputate iaculis turpis commodo vitae. Fusce tempus eget nulla vel aliquet. Aenean ultricies mi eget tortor commodo, eu placerat ligula ultrices. Donec lorem ante, consequat a...
As we return to church, everyone is asked to review the WorshipSafe Guidelines document so that we may all stay safe.
Pray the Rosary
During the month of May the Deacons and their wives will be praying the rosary before the Saturday 5pm Mass and before the Sunday 9am Mass. Join us livestream.
Communion Services
St. John's will be open for Holy Communion on Saturdays and Sundays, starting on April 24.